Marine Inspections Services

1-On/Off Hire Inspection Nomination
DKC is not an agent for its principal, but acts under a mandate from its principal, which is referred to as a Nomination.Wherever possible a nomination
should be received from the principal in writing setting forth the details of the nomination or contract.Engagements undertaken on the basis of oral
communication from the principal or third party should be documented by DKC as soon as practicable.The principal should be aware of any terms and
conditions of service,which may apply.DKC should satisfy itself that the principal is aware of applicable terms and conditions.

A nomination for inspection must be sent by the principal in sufficient time and in sufficient
detail prior to the inspection to allow the DKC to comply with this guideline.Any subsequent nominations in relation to that contract nomination are a
subject for agreement between the principal and DKC as to timing.

2-On/Off Hire Definitions
ON/OFF Hire Inspections; encompass inspections; regarding means of transport (usually marine).In general, any transporter chartered or nominated for
a single voyage, to receive or deliver commodities shall undergo On Hire inspection in order to verify the transporters general condition and suitability,
and to calculate exact quantity of consumables (Bunkers and fresh water) onboard prior voyage.Any pre-existing damages or modifications prior voyage
should be reported to the inspector.
Off Hire survey is usually conducted after delivery and discharging the goods, in other word after completion of voyage the transporter is once again
inspected in order to verify consumable quantities on board.Any damages sustained during voyage shall be the inspectors’ task to survey and report.

3-On/Off Hire Hull Inspection Methods and Procedures
The methods , procedures and standards to be applied during an inspection shall be those agreed upon between the principal and DKC , provided such
instructions are considered appropriate on technical and financial grounds by DKC at the time and place of performance.In the event that no method ,
procedure or standard is specified , DKC shall be free to perform the inspection according to relevant international or trade standards, if any, otherwise
inspection shall be performed according to such customs , usage or practices of the trade as DKC deems relevant at the time and place of
inspection.Advice or recommendations on the compatibility of previous cargoes are not duties of DKC who shall not assess or certify the fitness of a
receptacle to contain or carry the commodity except with regards to the fact that the receptacles are visually clean.DKC’s responsibility for visual
inspection is strictly limited to a determination that the designated cargo holds as seen by naked eye from reasonably accessible and safe vantage
appears to be clean.
Where inspections call for examination of vessel’s logbook, certificates or documents, DKC shall state whether it has sighted the mentioned items in
question and whether it was presented in a language intelligible to DKC inspector.Any reproduction made from the above-mentioned items shall be
made without responsibility of DKC and shall be for information purpose only.The responsibility of such documents shall be for the presenting party.In
case of problems or irregularities, DKC inspector will inform the principal and seek his instruction when feasible to do so.

4-On/Off Hire Quantitative Methods and Procedures
DKC performs quantity determinations on the basis of existing standards and instruction manuals using ASTM tables. DKC will make sure that the
apparatus used by its inspectors / or by Vessel staff are calibrated.

5-Lifting Appliances General Condition
The methods , procedures and standards to be applied during such inspection shall be those agreed upon between the principal and DKC , provided
such instructions are considered appropriate on technical and financial grounds by DKC at the time and place of performance.
In the event that no method , procedure or standard is specified , DKC shall be free to perform the inspection according to relevant international or
trade standards, if any, otherwise inspection shall be performed according to such customs , usage or practices of the trade as DKC deems relevant at
the time and place of inspection.DKC’s responsibility for visual inspection is strictly limited to a determination that the designated lifting appliances as
seen by naked eye from reasonably accessible and safe vantage.Such inspections call for examination of vessel’s logbook and maintenance records,
certificates and documents, DKC shall state whether it has sighted the mentioned items in question and whether it was presented in a language
intelligible to DKC inspector.
Any reproduction made from the above-mentioned items shall be made without responsibility of DKC and shall be for information purpose only.The
responsibility of such documents shall be for the presenting party.In case of problems or irregularities, DKC inspector will inform the principal and seek
his instruction when feasible to do so.

Is to relate the facts, events and figures observed by DKC at intervals before, during and after the inspection as detailed in the mandate. The reports
must enable the principal to identify without ambiguity the subject to which the document refers. It also will differentiate between inspections,
sampling, weighing, and testing.

6-P&I And Insurance
DKC is not an agent for its principal, but acts under a mandate from its principal, which is referred to as a Nomination. Wherever possible a nomination
should be received from the principal in writing setting forth the details of the nomination or contract. Engagements undertaken on the basis of oral
communication from the principal or third party should be documented by DKC as soon as practicable. The principal should be aware of any terms
and conditions of service, which may apply. DKC should satisfy itself that the principal is aware of applicable terms and conditions.A nomination for
inspection must be sent by the principal in sufficient time and in sufficient detail prior to the inspection to allow the DKC to comply with this
guideline.Any subsequent nominations in relation to that contract nomination are a subject for agreement between the principal and DKC as to timing.

Is to relate the facts, events and figures observed by DKC at intervals before, during and after the inspection as detailed in the mandate.The reports
must enable the principal to identify without ambiguity the consignment or subject to which the document refers. It also will differentiate between
inspections, sampling, weighing, and testing.

A variety of problems, irregularities and damages may occur from a collision.Damages may be sustained by transporter or the commodity itself.
In case of problems, irregularities, marine damages or condition inspections related to such commodities as a result of collision, DKC must have a clear
mandate given by the principal.A nomination must be received from the principal exactly verifying the required services.DKC shall use all its
knowledge and expertise to examine or observe commodities, products, services,procedures or operations in order to provide information on the nature
and cause of the problem, irregularity, damage or condition to the principal and/or the principal's designees.In addition, determination on the extent
shall be provided by required professional means.

The methods, procedures and standards to be applied on inspection shall be those agreed upon between the principal and DKC,provided such
instructions are considered appropriate on technical and financial grounds by DKC at the time and place of performance.

8-General Condition Of Vessels
In general, any transporter chartered or nominated for a single voyage, to receive or deliver commodities may undergo General Condition inspection in
order to verify the transporters general condition and suitability.
Any pre-existing damages or modifications prior voyage should be reported to the inspector.General Condition survey is usually conducted before/after
delivery and discharging the goods,in other word prior/after each voyage the transporter is inspected in order to verify any damages pre-existing or
sustained damages prior/after voyage and shall be the inspectors’ task to survey and report.

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International Inspection Services
DKC Darya Kala Control Danışmanlık Limited Şirketi
DKC Services

Darya Kala Control ( DKC ) is a legally constituted business engaged in the trade of inspection and capable of performing inspections in one or more categories of commodities and products.
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